Wednesday, December 20, 2017

People are enjoying reading nostalgic, beautiful poems. Poems look simple but they suggest deeper meanings and reveal gentle side. Poetry is the most elegant construction of words and is the mother tongue of mankind. Poetry evokes diverse feelings in the readers and is written in different devices which have a pleasing cadence. Poems are one of the best ways to express feelings and thoughts.
There are some significant poetic devices so that it may help you write better poems.

Being a Perfect Poet in 10 minutes

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1. Hyperbole 

Hyperbole is a way of speaking or writing that makes something sound better, more exciting, more dangerous than it actually is. 

Hyperbole is an expression of exaggeration; ex) I was freezing cold I saw polar bears wearing jackets.

The hyperbole can be used in every way. For instance, the weather is really hot, it is almost 35 Celsius. You want to tell to other people, and if you say, "It is really hot", it is not exciting and understandable. However, if you say with hyperbole, "It is boiling hot, everything is melting". It sounds funnier and more interesting and communicates information to other people more effectively. Hyperbole makes circumstances more dangerous; "I was freezing cold, my nose will fall off and my hands are paralyzed", which actually means that it is so cold, but if you say in a way of hyperbole, it sounds more dangerous.

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2. Metaphor 
In order to show that the two things have the same qualities and to make the description more powerful. 
For example, she has a heart of stone, it doesn't mean her heart is a stone. It means that she is not emotional or her reaction is not cool.

The metaphor makes readers think in diverse ways. For instance, "He is a robot", which would mean he is really good at math or he is perfect in every way or more. Therefore, the metaphor makes readers guess and imagine what the writer actually means. The metaphor has a deeper meaning as well. It is good to summarize lines, such as you want to write about life is always testing us, and everybody is watching. You are better to write, "Life is a stage", which is much shorter and has the deeper meaning.

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3. Paradox

The paradox is a person, thing or situation that has two opposite features and therefore seems strange; such as, I just keep calling the name that belongs to no one, which means a person is calling his/her partner who left him/her.

The paradox is one best way to express love in poetry. The paradox makes you feel more emotionally and gives you a more clear sense of loss. For example, "I can't walk but I can get close to you". It sounds more emotional and let readers know the person is really falling in love with someone. According to a study, paradox makes people memorize quickly and longer than normal lines.

Image result for consonance and assonance                 

Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds. For example, "The ghost goes to the low hole". Letter O is repeating continuously and it makes a rhyme.
Consonance is the repetition of consonant sound at the middle or end of words. For example, "The track cracked as black brick attacked the truck". "ck" is constantly repeating and forms a rhyme.
Alliteration is the repetition of initial consonance sound. For example, "The laughing of wild wind without the white-eye bird's weeping". The letter 'w' is constantly repeating and forms a rhyme.
These devices form rhymes and do not let readers get bored.

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5. Word Choice

Word choice holds big importance than other devices. Word choice must be effective so that readers will keep reading. Word choice shows a writer's character and skills.

When it comes to writing, word choice is extremely important because some words are ineffective and some words are more effective. Word choice is also able to hook readers' attention. For instance, "a dirty, awful, disgusting, foul room". It has diverse adjective words but these are a synonym so it will not be effective. You better write, "a disgusting, unclean room", which sounds much better than the first one. However, you can use synonyms in a different way, such as, "My room was unclean and the left food looked really disgusting, I couldn't clean up my room because it was very messed up", which utilizes some synonyms but it does not sound tedious because the words are used in a different way. If the writer used only one adjective word constantly, it would be boring. Therefore word choice holds big importance for entire writing.

Being a great poet is not hard if you know the way of writing. Poet is not a simple job, it requires professional writing skills and diverse poetic devices.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Interview Tips

WE have to be interviewed to get jobs. But, we do not know what questions will be asked. Although you know the questions, you do not answer clearly and rightly. There are 3 tips which you might be asked, also there are three tips which help you to answer the questions.
Even though you've got great work experiences and great skills, if you do not interview well, you will not get hired.
Interview proves your personality and who you are.

Tell me about yourself

The first common question that's asked in an interview is "Tell me About Yourself". Remember people & the person who is asking you this question is not someone you met at a coffee shop. So, things like "I love being on Facebook" or "I have three boyfriends in my college" is not the right things to mention.
The important things you need to mention are your education background and your family background. For instance, "I have lived with my parents and I have two siblings". But do not get too much detail.
You can also talk about your personality traits and the things that you like to do in your free time.


Why should we hire you?

Second common question that asked is "Why should we hire you?". People or person is asking you this question because he/she wants to know if you are really serious about this job OR probably, you are just here because you are jobless or want to make some quick money to buy stuffs. So, if you are really serious about this job, The things that you need to mention are your skills and abilities.
Remember, companies would only hire you if you add value to their organization. So, the skills would be helpful to your position or the company.


What are your strengths and weaknesses?

The third common question is "What are your strengths?" or "What are your weaknesses?".
What you need to do for answering your strengths is to list your strengths and back it up with some examples. For instance, if you have to talk about your leadership qulities, then what you can do is you can say that "I was leaving a big presentation in my college and the presentation did extremely well and she receives a lot of kudos". So this will help you to come up with some good answers. Also you might mention how hard-working you are or what you have done.
Unlike this, when you mention about your weaknesses, you might be confused, because you do not talk about yourself negatively. When people are asked "What are your weaknesses?", some people are saying, "Well, I'm a very impatient person", "I get angry easy". These are not right answers. Of course, this is about your weaknesses, but you do not need to bring them out. So, for this question, you do not need to really negative about yourself. It's just asking you about your identity. So, You can answer, "Well, I think my weakness is I am way too detail-oriented, I try to accomplish everything and I just want everything to be perfect, but then I realize that I'm losing out of on time, so maybe that makes me something projects pretty late. So, I thins that is one of my weaknesses".

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Would you like to become successful?

Unfortunately, Becoming successful is becoming almost impossible nowadays, because many people have already succeeded and there are no more things can make you succeed. Regular people may not succeed in overnight. When we hear 'successful people', firstly, we think how much they have or earn. It means that earning a lot of money is meaning successful. So, how can you become a successful person?
There are 7 habits which successful people have.


When you wake up, is it because of your kids? Or is it because of the alarm? Or is it because you just have to wake up?
Reading Journaling, or exercising or making daily plan that successful people do in the morning before they actually start their day. So, first you should be doing waking up and enjoying waking up.


They lead a healthy life and they also have a physical exercise routine in place that means they could be going to the gym, they could have a physical hobby, they could exercise regularly. Leading a healthy life makes you more successful. So, low intakes of sugar, drinking plenty of water, eating healthy food. All of that helps you become successful and being healthy, and looking after yourself is great to have.


Everyone has dreams, everyone has goals. But successful people know how to reach them goals. For instance, you want to make a million dollars, but how are you going to make a million dollars? Successful people know the exact steps strategic goals. When you go to travel or start studying, these strategic goals help you achieve these aims, dreams and goals. Also, successful people know that exactly what they should be set in, and exactly how they are going to get to them goals.


A lot of people have dreams and goals. But if you are not successful, you are not taking action on your goals. People have a stereotype which if you are not successful and you take action on your goals, your action would not be successful. Unlike this, successful people always take action. Whenever they want to and Whatever they want to achieve. So, remember, whatever you want to achieve, just take action on your goals even though it would not going to be easy to achieve.


If there is a competition in the way or if there is mistakes, or if there is failures. Successful continue to persist with them. And they persist confidently as well. They have their own beliefs, knowlegde and strenghts, so they don't let anything in the way.


Successful people never give up learning more. They never have a capacity of how much they can learn. They are consistently reading. trying new hobbies, trying to break new comfort zones. So, successful people are always looking to learn more, trying to become an expert in different industries. They match their knowledge in variety subjects. So, try as much as you can, read as much as you can, and try new things


Everyone makes mistakes. Actually, when people make mistakes, failures and problems, people think them first as negatively. For sure, successful people make mistakes too. But how you deal with the mistakes that turn you into a successful person. When you make mistakes, do not be depressed and no not give up.

Hopefully, you can learn something from this. If you have habits you want to share with others. Please comment it! Hopefully, you enjoy this article.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Aren't you still hired yet?

Getting a job is one of the part of our lives, but many people are still suffering to have a job. And those people don't know how can get a job even though they graduated from the best universities. The best universities do not provide the best jobs. Nowadays, we can not get a job with only great education.
If you'd like to get a job after graduating university, you would need to follow these two critical things.

Bulid work experiences to be confident wherever you go

While you are working at any company, you will be confronted with so many difficult problems.
If you don't have work experiences, you would have no idea what you have to do when you run up against difficult problems. You can understand how to work better and more properly as building work experiences. Also, you will meet so many different kinds of people, so that you build social skills. As you meet different people, you will be able to handle people's temper. Also it helps you build communication skills.

Acquire your own skills which others don't have

You can not get a job without "THIS" even though you've got either work experiences or great education. THIS is 'Your Own Skills'. You have to set yourself apart from other people and make you more qualified for the job. It makes you more desirable to the people hiring and unique.
Job requirement includes what skills you have.
Most companies want to hire people who match with their companies.
Before submit your resume, you should consider what skills your company wants and/or needs.

Never ever give up


Saturday, May 6, 2017

Have You Decided Your Career?

Have you decided your career? If you are not sure which direction your career should go on, or you have no idea with your career, follow these three steps.

Step I. Find what you are interested in
Keep trying new things. For example, joining clubs, volunteering, and other activities outside school. Trying new things in general is a good way to find what you want to do. But also looking at what you are good at and what you can do with it. For example, say someone is really good as history, they can search and watch documentaries on what kinds of jobs they can have with history. Then you will eventually find yourself truly enjoying a specific branch or career.

Step II. Ask other people what you are good at

If you do not know about yourself, then the best way to find what you are good at is to ask people who know you well enough such as family and friends what you are talented at. People only want to see their good side. So, other people can tell you what you're good at, and what you're not good at. You also can find what you're good at. Just think of what you like and dislike.

Step III.
Combine Step I and II, then make a plan

1. List things you enjoy - List what you like, hobbies you have, what interests you, things you enjoy doing for a long period of time.
2. Find similarities - Out of everything you list find things that connect them. Look for ways to combine them or a field that connects them.
3. Choose a field and narrow down jobs that interest you - Narrow it down to your favourties that all fit into one field and can become jobs
4. If needed or possible get an education on that field - If the field you want to pursue requires a higher education find a school near you best suited for it and find as many classes in that field as possible.
5. Find people who have the job you want and learn or take advice from them - Look for people who want the same job as you or already have that job and talk with them go gain new perspective. They might tell you things you didn't know about that job
6. Look for a demand for the job - Look for areas around you that have a need for this job or people who are hiring for thejob
7. Apply your goals - Submit applications for thejob
8. Get hired - Keep applying again and again untill you get hired
9. Celebratory dance and cupcakes - When you get hired PARTY DANCING CUPCAKES YAYY