Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Interview Tips

WE have to be interviewed to get jobs. But, we do not know what questions will be asked. Although you know the questions, you do not answer clearly and rightly. There are 3 tips which you might be asked, also there are three tips which help you to answer the questions.
Even though you've got great work experiences and great skills, if you do not interview well, you will not get hired.
Interview proves your personality and who you are.

Tell me about yourself

The first common question that's asked in an interview is "Tell me About Yourself". Remember people & the person who is asking you this question is not someone you met at a coffee shop. So, things like "I love being on Facebook" or "I have three boyfriends in my college" is not the right things to mention.
The important things you need to mention are your education background and your family background. For instance, "I have lived with my parents and I have two siblings". But do not get too much detail.
You can also talk about your personality traits and the things that you like to do in your free time.


Why should we hire you?

Second common question that asked is "Why should we hire you?". People or person is asking you this question because he/she wants to know if you are really serious about this job OR probably, you are just here because you are jobless or want to make some quick money to buy stuffs. So, if you are really serious about this job, The things that you need to mention are your skills and abilities.
Remember, companies would only hire you if you add value to their organization. So, the skills would be helpful to your position or the company.


What are your strengths and weaknesses?

The third common question is "What are your strengths?" or "What are your weaknesses?".
What you need to do for answering your strengths is to list your strengths and back it up with some examples. For instance, if you have to talk about your leadership qulities, then what you can do is you can say that "I was leaving a big presentation in my college and the presentation did extremely well and she receives a lot of kudos". So this will help you to come up with some good answers. Also you might mention how hard-working you are or what you have done.
Unlike this, when you mention about your weaknesses, you might be confused, because you do not talk about yourself negatively. When people are asked "What are your weaknesses?", some people are saying, "Well, I'm a very impatient person", "I get angry easy". These are not right answers. Of course, this is about your weaknesses, but you do not need to bring them out. So, for this question, you do not need to really negative about yourself. It's just asking you about your identity. So, You can answer, "Well, I think my weakness is I am way too detail-oriented, I try to accomplish everything and I just want everything to be perfect, but then I realize that I'm losing out of on time, so maybe that makes me something projects pretty late. So, I thins that is one of my weaknesses".

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