Tuesday, January 16, 2018

어머님꼐 Dear Mom (K-POP)

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 The new various musical genres are coming up every day! Music is also able to let people empathize without communication and specific languages. Also, music drags our feelings emotionally. The most famous and popular genre is Pop Music. Pop Music is a genre of popular music that originated in its modern form in the United States and the United Kingdom during the mid-1950s. As pop music becomes more popular, diverse countries' music has been well-known, such as K-Pop. K-pop is a genre of Korean popular music. K-pop has started taking the list of the Billboard charts. Today, I've got an old Korean song which is extremely nostalgic, can make you burst into tears. 

Related image어머님께 (Dear Mom) - GOD

어머님 보고 싶어요
Mother, I miss you.
어려서부터 우리집은 가난했었고
I was born to a poor family,
남들 다하는 외식 몇번 한적이 없었고
We could even barely effort to eat out.
일터에 나가신 어머니 집에 없으면
When mom hadn't come back home from work,
언제나 혼자서 끓여먹었던 라면
I always cooked Ramyeon to eat alone.
그러다 라면이 너무 지겨워서
Our day when I got fed up with Ramyeon,
맛있는것좀 먹자고 대들었었어
I told her so rudely I wanted to eat something delicious.
그러자 어머니님이 마지못해 꺼내신
So she coughed up some extra cash
숨겨두신 비상금으로 시켜주신
for emergencies, and ordered a bowl of jja-jang-myeon for me.
자장면하나에 너무나 행복했었어
Which made me all too happy.
하지만 어머님은 왠지 드시질 않았어
But my mom didn't eat it for some reason.
어머님은 자장면이 싫다고 하셨어
she said jja-jang-myeon was not her favorite.
어머님은 자장면이 싫다고 하셨어
Mother said she didn't like jja-jang-myeon.
그렇게 살아가고 그렇게 후회하고 눈물도 흘리고
We live like that. We regret like that, and we shed tears.
그렇게 살아가고 너무나 아프고 하지만 다시 웃고
We live like that. We ache too much, but we laugh again.

중학교 1학년때 도시락 까먹을때
On my first day of middle school, me and my friends
다간이 함께 모여 도시락 뚜껑을 열었는데
gathered together to have lunch way before lunchtime
부자집아들녀석이 나에게 화를 냈어
and this rich kid got angry at me
반찬이 그게 뭐냐며 나에게 뭐라고 했어
pointing a finger at what was in my lunchbox.
창피했어 그만 눈물이 났어
I felt humiliated to the point of tear
그러자 그녀석은 내가 운다며 놀려댔어
and he made fun of me for crying.
참을수 없어서 얼굴로 날아간 내 주먹에
I couldn't help socking him in the face
일터에 계시던 어머님은 또 다시 학교에
and Mother was called in to school from work again
불려오셨어 아니 또 끌려오셨어
no, she was brought back to school again
다시는 이런일이 없을 거라며 비셨어
She got on her knees and bowed low before his mom
그녀석 어머니께 고개를 숙여 비셨어
and she begged for forgiveness
(우리 어머니가 비셨어)
(My mother....begged)

그렇게 살아가고 그렇게 후회하고 눈물도 흘리고
We live like that; we regret like that; and we shed tears
그렇게 살아가고 너무나 아프고 하지만 다시 웃고
We live like that; we ache so much; but we laugh again
아버님없이 마침내 우리는 해냈어
At last we made it even without Father
마침내 조그만 식당을 하나 갖게 됬어
We finally managed to open a small diner
그리 크진 않았지만 행복했어
The diner wasn't that big but we were happy
주름진 어머니 눈가엔 눈물이 고였어
Her wrinkles under eyes were wet with tears
어머니와 내이름의 앞글자를 따서
We named the diner with an acronym from the initials of our names
식당이름을 짓고 고사를 지내고
and performed a ritual to bring good luck
밤이 깊어가도 아무도 떠날줄 모르고
Even though the night grew late, nobody wanted to leave
사람들의 축하는 계속 되었고
People kept congratulating us
자정이 다되서야 돌아갔어
and they went home around midnight
피곤하셨는지 어머님은 어느새 깊이
And maybe Mother was too tired, she fell fast asleep
잠이 들어버리시고는 깨지 않으셨어
before I knew it and she never woke up
난 당신을 사랑했어요
I loved.. you
한번도 말을 못했지만
even though I never said that
사랑해요 이젠 편히 쉬어요
I love you. Please rest in peace now
내가 없는 세상에서 영원토록
In the world where you don't need to worry about me for forever
그렇게 살아가고 그렇게 후회하고 눈물도 흘리고
We live like that; We regret like that; and we shed tears

그렇게 살아가고 너무나 아프고 하지만 다시 웃고
We live like that; we ache so much, but we laugh again
그렇게 살아가고 그렇게 후회하고 눈물도 흘리고
We live like that; we regret like that and we shed tears
그렇게 살아가고 너무나 아프고 하지만 다시 웃고...
We live like that; We ache so much, but we laugh again

As I have been listening K-Pop, I noticed most k-pop have a lot of meanings and sad. That would inspire our morals and emotional feelings.

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